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Jobs, Tasks, and Commands

TODO: write about the pipeline from job submission to command execution.

Job Statuses

The following table shows the meaning of the different job statuses:

Status Meaning Possible next status
under-construction Preparing job for execution queued, active
queued Ready to be assigned to available Workers active, canceled
active Tasks assigned to Workers for execution completed, canceled, failed
completed All tasks executed successfully queued
failed Execution of one or more tasks failed after multiple retries by different Workers queued, canceled
cancel-requested Request for job cancellation raised by user canceled
canceled Canceled by the user, job terminated immediately on all Workers queued
requeueing Request for requeueing of job raised by user queued
paused Not yet implemented


  • Requeueing a job when it is completed, i.e. when all its tasks are completed, will requeue all its tasks.
  • Requeueing a job when some of its tasks are not completed will requeue these tasks only. The completed tasks will not be requeued, and will remain at completed status.

Task Statuses

The following table shows the meaning of the different task statuses:

Status Meaning Possible next status
queued Ready to be assigned to an available Worker active, canceled
active Assigned to a Worker for execution completed, canceled, failed, soft-failed
completed Task executed succesfully queued
soft-failed Same as queued, but has been failed by a Worker in an earlier execution queued, completed, failed, canceled
failed Execution failed after multiple retries by different Workers queued, canceled
canceled Canceled by the user, task terminated immediately queued
paused Not yet implemented