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List of Commands

The following commands are implemented in Flamenco Worker.

Blender: blender-render

Runs Blender. Command parameters:

Parameter Type Description
exe string Path to a Blender exeuctable. Typically the expansion of the {blender} variable. If set to "blender", the Worker performs a search on $PATH and on Windows will use the file association for the .blend extension to find Blender
exeArgs string CLI arguments to use before any other argument. Typically the expansion of the {blenderargs} variable
argsBefore []string Additional CLI arguments defined by the job compiler script, to go before the blend file.
blendfile string Path of the blend file to open.
args []string Additional CLI arguments defined by the job compiler script, to go after the blend file name.

The constructed CLI invocation will be {exe} {exeArgs} {argsBefore} {blendfile} {args}.

Flamenco Worker monitors the logging of Blender; lines like Saved: filename.jpg are recognised and sent as preview images to Flamenco Manager.

FFmpeg: create-video

Uses FFmpeg to convert an image sequence to a video file.

Parameter Type Description
exe string Path to the ffmpeg executable. If it is set to "ffmpeg" the Worker will look in its tools directory first, and search on $PATH.
exeArgs string Its CLI parameters defined by the Manager.
fps float64 Frames per second of the video file.
inputGlob string Glob of input files.
outputFile string File to save the video to.
argsBefore []string CLI arguments to use before the
args []string Additional CLI arguments defined by the job compiler script, to between the input and output filenames.

The constructed CLI invocation will be {exe} {exeArgs} {argsBefore} {platform-dependent inputGlob} {args} -r {fps} {outputFile}, where {platform-dependent inputGlob} is determined by the OS of the executing Flamenco Worker.

File Management: move-directory

Moves a directory from one path to another.

Parameter Type Description
src string Path of the directory to move.
dest string Destination to move it to.

If the destination directory already exists, it is first moved aside to a timestamped path {dest}-{YYYY-MM-DD_HHMMSS} to its name. The tiemstamp is the ’last modified’ timestamp of that existing directory.

File Management: copy-file

Copies a file from one location to another.

Parameter Type Description
src string Path of the file to copy. Must be an absolute path.
dest string Destination to copy it to. Must be an absolute path. This path may not yet exist.

Misc: exec

Run an executable. This can be any executable. The command succeeds when the executable exit status is 0, and fails otherwise. The executable needs to stop running (or fork) in order for the Worker to consider the command ‘done’.

The executable is run directly, and not via a shell invocation. To run a shell command, use something like {exe: "/bin/bash", args: ["-c", "echo", "hello world"]}.

If there is a specific command for the functionality you need, like blender-render or ffmpeg, use those commands instead. They are aware of cross-platform differences, and know more about the program they are running. For example, the blender-render command sends rendered images to the Manager to show in the web interface, and ffmpeg will change its commandline arguments depending on the platform it runs on.
Parameter Type Description
exec string The executable to run.
args []string Commandline arguments.

Misc: echo

Writes a message to the task log.

Parameter Type Description
message string The message to log.

Misc: sleep

Does nothing for a period of time.

Parameter Type Description
duration_in_seconds float or int The amount of time to sleep for, in seconds. Must be non-negative.