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Sleep Schedule

Workers can be given a sleep schedule. This tells the Worker when to go to sleep, and when to wake up. A typical use is for a desktop computer that is in use during office hours, and outside those hours be part of the render farm.

Sleep Schedule of a Worker in the Flamenco Manager web interface
Sleep Schedule of a Worker in the Flamenco Manager web interface

The sleep schedule determines when Flamenco Worker is asleep, i.e. when it is not active on the farm. You can also see this as a configuration of when someone else wants to use the computer.

Whether the sleep schedule is doing anything. This can be toggled with the slider next to the “Sleep Schedule” header. If it’s disabled, you can still edit it, but otherwise it is ignored. In this case the Worker can be woken up or sent to sleep manually via worker actions.
Days of the week
Days of the week that this worker should be asleep. Write each day name using their first two letters, separated by spaces. For example: mo tu we th fr. Note that this does not support range notation (mo-fr).
Start Time & End Time:
Start and end time of when this worker should be asleep, in 24h notation.


If the Worker machine is used by someone who works on weekdays except Wednesdays, usually from 10:00 to 19:00, the sleep schedule would look like this:

  • Days of the week: mo tu th fr
  • Start Time: 10:00
  • End Time: 19:00